Thursday, September 6, 2007

Fellowship presentation - Groupings and Mechanics

Continuing the tradition of showcasing Group C's talents while enhancing camaraderie, this year's teambuilding fellowship night will have its annual group presentation.

Know your groupmates and be guided by the mechanics as follows:

2. Respective teams are at liberty to choose their type of presentation (e.g. singing, dancing, cheering) as long as it will not violate any PwC code of conduct.

3. Teams are encouraged to exhibit creativity and originality in their presentation. (Creativity and Originality Criteria)

4. The presentation should substantially utilize live performances of the group members. Videos and other forms of recorded media can be used TOGETHER WITH group members' live performances. No recorded media can be played on its own (i.e. without live performance) exceeding 1 minute playing time. Each 15 second in excess of the maximum (cumulative) time allowed shall have a corresponding 1 point deduction on the team's final score (First 15 seconds = 1 point, Second 15 seconds = another 1 point and so on). (Showmanship/Over-all Entertainment Value Criteria)

5. All team members should have meaningful participation in the group's performance. (Team Spirit/Coorination Criteria)

6. Each team’s presentation should not exceed 6 minutes, including preparation time. Each minute in excess of the maximum time shall have a corresponding 1 point deduction on the team's final score (Rounded off to 1 minute = 1 point deduction and so on).

7. For any type of multimedia equipment that you will be using during your presentation, kindly coordinate with the fellowship night committee members listed.

  • Charlotte Chung
  • Michelle Fernando
  • Ingrid Sevilla
8. The order of performance will be determined by draw lots before dinner starts. Kindly send a representative to the commmittee.

9. Decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.

Criteria for judging:

Creativity 30%
Originality 20%
Showmanship 20%
Overall entertainment Value 20%
Team Spirit/Coordination 10%
TOTAL 100%

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