Monday, September 10, 2007

...And the Nominees are....

Be your candidates!

Here are the nominees for the Tribong Group C Special Awards:

(to view list, please click this image -->> )

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Know your partners and managers!


Have you ever wondered what is WSM's favorite color? or MLR's pet peeves? or IRV's childhood dream? How about APG's dream car? or SDG's favorite past time? or PAP's favorite sport?

If you have any questions (to our partners and managers) that you never had the chance to ask, we won't promise you that we'll surely ask them, but we'll try.

Our teambuilding's second fellowship night will be that window of opportunity, but we want to know your questions now.

Please drop them in LOCKER NO. 34 (located adjacent the staff area; that's my locker) on or before September 12 (Wednesday) 6pm.


We highly encourage you to answer the survey sent by the Group C Teambuilding Commitee (please check your LNs). It will help break the ice and give members of our Group C family a chance to explore another side of "YOU".

We hope you can send it to us no later than September 11 (Tuesday).

For those who have already sent their replies, thank you!

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Cottage assignment

Find out who your cottage/rancho mates by clicking the above image.

Names in bold letters and color blue font are the House Leaders.

House Leaders are tasked to:
  • take note of the whereabouts of each housemate;
  • take care of the house key;
  • coordinate concerns with the teambuilding committee;
  • wake up the housemates; and
  • remind the housemates to attend the activities.

Fellowship night activities

Please click the image for fellowship night activities:

Important Reminders

Please click the image for important reminders:

Schedule of activities

Know what's in store for you. Please click the image for the schedule of activities.

Know Your Tribe!!!

Please click image below to know which tribe you belong to:

Important Reminder:

Make sure that YOU research on YOUR TRIBE's:

  • Culture

  • Language

  • Costumes

  • Traditions

  • Family values

Get ready for an exciting event on Day 1!!!


Tribung Group C Special Awards

In lieu with our upcoming teambuilding, we are now accepting nominations for the "TRIBUNG GROUP C AWARDS".

For an individual to become a nominee:

  1. Two persons should nominate him/her.

  2. He/She is included in the top 5 nominees (in the event that there are more than 5 nominees)

To nominate:

  1. Please send an email to Evangeline Anchores and Erwin Capisan indicating the name of your nominee in each category.

  2. Only one person can be nominated per category.

  3. The casting of votes starts at this moment and ends this Friday, September 7, 2007 (12 noon).

The awards to be given to the outstanding tribe members are as follows:

1. "Nauna pa sa Tilaok" Award

You come in in the morning feeling rather sleepy and grumbling about the earliness of the hour, 8 am. You trudge towards the secretaries' area to log in and behold you see someone already timed in at what?! from 6 to 7am?!

Despite the hectic and late hours that we keep, these people have made it their business to come in early in the morning. You frequently see them around the office, already abuzz with activity, often greeting you with a smile and a simple good morning when you have yet to step out of dreamland. We salute him/her for being an early bird, the reward being never becoming a member of the infamous blue team and having the right to go home at 4pm.

2. "Mang Butingting" Award
Have you ever panicked when you found your screen blank or frozen? Have you ever felt at a loss about the different functions of various programmes that we use like MS Excel, MS Word, LN and Colligo? Have you ever found yourself unable to talk to someone from the GTS for help?

You need not look any further. We have our very own GTS expert. S/he's the person you who can solve your computer troubles, answer your technical queries, and give you tips on how to unleash your computer's true potential.

3. "Sangguniang Tagapayo" Award
The walking PFRS, SOX Champion, PwC Audit Guide master, Knowledge database administrator and the bearer of all wisdom. A person who absorbs knowledge and audit experience like a "sponge" enabling him/her to answer even the toughest most challenging questions relating to our profession with ease and confidence. "Partnerable" ika nga.

4. "Mananakbo" Award
Sometimes, a series of errands could be really tiring. However, notwithstanding the exhaustion, some good people never say "no" when we ask for their help even if they have other things to do.
Despite the demands of our profession, there are those associates who are always willing to do leg works either by delivering documents to a client or simply getting files from basement 5. You frequently see them visiting the supplies section or tirelessly waiting outside the printing room for the FS to come out. In fact, there are some associates who really have the enthusiasm that they tend to become our "favorites" whenever we need to delegate tasks. This award is in recognition of their tireless effort to make our lives a whole lot easier.

5. "Kabagang" Award
(Kabagang means "of the same molar tooth", a close friend)
If there would be an election, this person would probably win a landslide victory. But no, s/he has no intention to enter politics. Being nice and friendly is just in his/her blood.
This is to show our appreciation to the person whose early morning smile and "good morning po" makes us realize that life is just how we take it. Being happy is really a matter of choice. His/her pleasant demeanor never changes, be it during the slack or busy season. S/he is definitely one of those who have made our stay in the firm very memorable and whose friendship we will always treasure.

6. "Masigasig" Award
A born leader. Someone who is always on top of his/her game. Smart, talented, confident, charming and can do just about everything you ask him/her to do with grace and poise. Someone who will definitely stand out in a crowd. "The Jack of all Trades" sabi nga nila.

7. "Dilat-Lagi" Award
Some say auditors are made, not born. But in a different sense, perhaps there are some auditors who could have preferred being literally born in the office so they could immediately start their tasks. These are our groupmates who have shown their incredible dedication to audit work. Their motivation is overwhelming and they seem to not run out of physical (human) battery. Sometimes, we could be wondering whether or not they knew that we are allowed to go home after office hours.
They are the ones you see first thing in the morning and last thing at night. They are in the office during weekends, and holidays. These guys are our groupmates who have mastered the art of documenting while sleeping and sleeping while eating! Our ultimate addict award is for those exemplary people who have given professionalism a whole new meaning and continue to inspire us during the busy season.

8. "Tapat na Mangbibilang" Award
This is our community service award for the outstanding associate who never gave up in the face of numerous forklifts, abnormal count exceptions, searing humidity and unbearable odor! S/he stands out among the gritty ones who are frequent attendees to the endless inventory counts not only during weekdays but also during weekends. S/he had been to various locations in the country and had seen diverse types of raw materials, work in process and finished goods. With this, s/he could earn his/her masteral degree in physical inventory observation.
This is also our way of saying thank you for taking our place during those inventory counts!

9. "Babalik Ka Rin" Award
His salary is almost untouched because all his expenses are paid for. More importantly, he'll never get a blue mark because he has pre-signed all his time in's for the next few months. Most probably, he'll end in the perfect attendance list. Unfortunately, all this goody are at the expense of missing the office, missing his batchmates, missing his special someone, and missing his family. But then again, he gets to charge his cell cards to text them all and avoids the urban traffic altogether!

10. "Prinsesa ng Tribo" Award
While the guy nominees are certainly a cut above the rest with their looks, the girl nominees, on the other hand, are those who make our guys go crazy. With their sweet smile and even sweeter demeanor, these are our group mates who make our audit lives a whole lot brighter. Whether by their fascinating attitude or by their charming looks, these girls are certainly the Helens of Group C.

11. "Prinsipe ng Tribo" Award
This is the guy who we believe has the strongest sex appeal and the most captivating close-up smile. More than that, he possesses witty humor and model-type looks. Definitely, this guy is the sought-after hunk of the group.

12. Male and Female "Manunuot" Award
Sometimes, the corridor could be mistaken as a catwalk. Even during the height of the busy season, there are some people who still try to dress at their best.
These are the guys and girls who have tried to set the norm for office uniform way above our understanding. Transforming our hallways into personal modeling ramps, these guys and girls are always at the forefront of fashion practically at all times or places. Be it at inventory counts, out of town clients or simply while in the office, they are the ones that we admire partly because we could never (or never dared to) wear the same clothes that they do. They are our very own own male and female models - the Zanjo Marudo and Phoemela Barranda of Group C.

13. "Lugi Negosyo" Award
After the kick-off meeting, you find yourself at Pizza Hut Bistro. pull-in lunch, taking stock merienda and pull-out dinner. After debriefing, you find yourself singing your lungs out in Red Box. We salute the "galante" of Group C, who never fails to celebrate the many achievements of the team - engagement or extracurricular - chargeable or not - and show appreciation for a job well done.

14. "Dakilang Manlalaro" Award
Some people are born sports enthusiasts. At an early age of 2 1/2, they've learned how to play piko, pog, jolens, tumbang preso, five-ten, chinese garter, monkey-monkey anabel and shaider-shaider. Years later, they mastered the craft of upper type of sports and became the undefeatable and most flexible player in Group C. Among 10 sports, they've joined 9 and missed the remaining 1 due to an out-of-town inventory count. Nobody can stop them..rain or shine,,,high or low runs in the blood...sports is all there is.

15. "Umalohokan" Award
(Umalohokan means town criers of ancient Philippine Barangays)
Whenever we are about to lose our spirits because of the difference in points which seemed not to improve within the next five minutes, this Group C family comes to the rescue and uplifts the spirit of everybody. His/her presence in almost all the game (in which she is not a player) really makes an impact! His/her loud cheer during the games persuades everyone to rise on our feet and yell as if we have the entire stadium full of supporters.

16. "Habang Pagod, Gumaganda/Gumagwapo" Award (Male and Female)
Everyone's in a frenzy, frazzled by the hectic work during the busy season. Darkening eyebags. Hair unkempt, probably combed only once during the day. Frowning to almost scowling faces. But in the midst of the beehive of activity is an individual who doesn't seem harassed, cool as a cucumber moving at his/her pace.
In our line of work, grace under pressure is one of the qualities we want to emulate and this person is the perfect example - cool, calm and collected.

17. "Pigura" Award (Male and Female)
Who said an auditor could never have time for physical fitness?
Sexiness is the best policy award goes to the guy/girl with that remarkable determination to become physically fit despite the rigors of our profession. You must have seen him/her eagerly partaking in the Fitness First demo exercise during our Family Day last August. After office hours, you will see him/her catching up for his/her session. S/he represents a living testament to the old adage that anything and everything is possible.

Fellowship presentation - Groupings and Mechanics

Continuing the tradition of showcasing Group C's talents while enhancing camaraderie, this year's teambuilding fellowship night will have its annual group presentation.

Know your groupmates and be guided by the mechanics as follows:

2. Respective teams are at liberty to choose their type of presentation (e.g. singing, dancing, cheering) as long as it will not violate any PwC code of conduct.

3. Teams are encouraged to exhibit creativity and originality in their presentation. (Creativity and Originality Criteria)

4. The presentation should substantially utilize live performances of the group members. Videos and other forms of recorded media can be used TOGETHER WITH group members' live performances. No recorded media can be played on its own (i.e. without live performance) exceeding 1 minute playing time. Each 15 second in excess of the maximum (cumulative) time allowed shall have a corresponding 1 point deduction on the team's final score (First 15 seconds = 1 point, Second 15 seconds = another 1 point and so on). (Showmanship/Over-all Entertainment Value Criteria)

5. All team members should have meaningful participation in the group's performance. (Team Spirit/Coorination Criteria)

6. Each team’s presentation should not exceed 6 minutes, including preparation time. Each minute in excess of the maximum time shall have a corresponding 1 point deduction on the team's final score (Rounded off to 1 minute = 1 point deduction and so on).

7. For any type of multimedia equipment that you will be using during your presentation, kindly coordinate with the fellowship night committee members listed.

  • Charlotte Chung
  • Michelle Fernando
  • Ingrid Sevilla
8. The order of performance will be determined by draw lots before dinner starts. Kindly send a representative to the commmittee.

9. Decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.

Criteria for judging:

Creativity 30%
Originality 20%
Showmanship 20%
Overall entertainment Value 20%
Team Spirit/Coordination 10%
TOTAL 100%

An invitation: "Tribung Group C Teambuilding...Overcoming Challenges as a United Tribe"

See you on September 14 - 16!!!

..tease me..tease me...